

CD Song List

2014 Pegasus winner "Grandfather"

And, just to keep track, the 2020 Pegasus awards are coming up, and no, I'm not in the ranks. Again. But the contenders are worthy and there's a new year coming...

Another Thrilling News Event!

I've been invited to Archon 47 as the Fan Guest of Honor!
(This may be in part because I've admonished them NOT to invite me as the Filk GoH. We only get one every three years and it really shouldn't be me)
Oh. My. God.
(and this from a non-theist...)
I have been inducted into the

Filk Hall of Fame

Class of 2017, along with
Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff and Judi Miller … what company…

Gary's Audition page
(including a song list) -- This is the link if you are looking for my solo gig audition stuff.

Note that if you don't have ActiveX controls enabled, you will not be able to play the selections here