2014 Pegasus Best Classic Filk Song <*happy dance*>

Heartfelt thanks to those who put me there again!
And voted for me!!!

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Truly, thank you very, very much. Here is a link to the OVFF Pegasus FAQs, which explain how you get from the poll to the ballot. Please feel free to express your opinion for the upcoming year.

PLEASE note that this is a simple-minded website, and if you click on one recording of Grandfather without stopping the current one, you will end up playing multiple takes at once, which will make them both sound even more like crap than usual…

One thing…if the mp3 doesn't show a song, you may have your activeX controls disabled. Let me through…there's nothing dangerous here, except me singing…

Grandfather (from the album "Weekend Filker")

Grandfather (live, from the album "It's Not My Fault")