Upcoming Calendar

I'll be doing a 'Music in the Driveway' at some point, when things settle down a bit. If you're on my mailing list, you'll be notified when (and where) these events occur.

I hope to see some of you there!

I've now added most of my material to BandCamp, including my first four albums. You can listen to by going to my BandCamp site.

I've also joined the Ambassadors of Harmony, and they do a lot of shows. Check them out and see if one of the calendar dates fits in your schedule!
Personal horn blowing--I am included within the virtual covers of St. Louis Magazine, due to a very nice article by Thomas Crone. Way cool.

I had the honor of being the Interfilk guest at Consonance in March of 2015. The album from that concert, "It's Not My Fault", is on CDBaby and BandCamp.
As the Emeritus music chair for Archon Filking, I'll still be involved in that, though I'm stepping back. It's still fun!